The Telinga Pro 5 Parabolic Microphone copes well with a gentle breeze, depending on the direction of the wind hitting the mic. However, for stronger wind, as with all directional microphones, it needs some form of protection. So, I decided to make myself a windshield.
The manufacture of the windshield is very straight forward.
1. Place the reflector on the material and draw around it. It is based to use tailors chalk for this – although, ordinary chalk will do.
2. Draw a second circle about 1.5 inches (4cm) outside the first.
3. Cut out the larger circle.

4. Fold the edge over to create a hem and a pocket. Stitch the hem around the
complete edgeof the circle. However, leave a small gap between the staring and finishing points
5. Thread a length of 1/4 inch elastic through the pocket leaving enough exposed through the gap that you have left to tie the two ends together.
6. Place the whole circle over the opening of the reflector and pull the two ends of elastic enough to tensions the windshield over the reflector.Be careful not to pull it too tight as you will have difficulty getting the windshield on and off. It may also cause the reflector to deform under the extra tension of the cover.
7. Tie off the ends and trim them and tuck them back into the pocket to keep things tidy.
During tests I have found no measurable drop in signal, nor any colouration of the sound.